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Here you will find a selection of pictures of the Intertextile Apparel Fabrics
Curtain Fabric
Fantastic selection of curtain fabrics. Regular line rolls backed up by sample books, clearance lines and remnants.
Upholstery Fabric
Great range of upholstery fabric on rolls and in books supported with any advice you require for your project.
Dressmaking Fabric
Whether you're looking for a basic cotton dressmaking fabric or a glamorous sequin fabric you're sure to find
Craft Fabric
It can be divided into two categories: woven fabric and knitted fabric. From the processing technology
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Here you will find a selection of pictures of the Intertextile Apparel Fabrics
Your Best Two-Way Radio Accessories Manufacturer
Welcome to Power-Time, your trusted global partner in two-way radio accessories. From city safety to rural farming, from construction sites to healthcare facilities, from ports to the entertainment industry - our products are everywhere, meeting diverse needs across industries. We're trusted by the military, relied on by the public services, and essential to large-scale events.

We offer standard battery packs, high-discharge batteries for ultra-low temperatures, both unit and multi-way chargers. Also offer radio headsets, tactical and bone conduction headsets, noise-canceling and aviation headsets, helmet Atex headsets, surveillance kits, speaker microphones and OEM items.

We are proud to be an ISO 9 0 0 1,4 5 0 0 1 and military certified company, with products that meet and exceed waterproofing standards from IP54 to IP68. Our noise-cancelling technology has been certified with NRR 25 dB, and S N R 28 dB, and we hold over 40 patents, further solidifying our commitment to innovation and quality. In our pursuit of excellence, we have incorporated the renowned audio precision system, GRAS, into our manufacturing process, aiming to produce even higher-level and more reliable headsets.

Our brand Power-Time has been making waves, earning a solid reputation. We’ve shipped our quality products to over 60 countries - and we're not stopping! Our proficiency in OEM/ODM services is second to none, enabling us to make special customization. warmly welcome to us!
Celebrating the 20th anniversary

Time flies, Power-Time has reached a significant milestone, marking two decades of growth and development. In the 20 years, we have remained true to our mission, delving deeply into the field of two-way radio accessories.
Backed by a robust R&D team, a state-of-the-art mold factory, and an efficient production workshop, we have produced numerous high-quality products.
Today, our noise-canceling earphones, tactical headsets, ultra-low temperature batteries, and smart chargers have received rave reviews from the market, attesting to their popularity and quality.

Lastest News
Here you will find a selection of pictures of the Intertextile Apparel Fabrics
风雨同舟二十载,众志成城谱新篇 时钟的齿轮,转过二十载春秋,二十年风雨同舟,增长点大家庭携手共登彼岸。回首一路的印记,内心百感交集。值深圳市增长点科技有限公司成立二十周年之际,增长点团队为了家人们同庆这一具有里程碑意义的时刻,也为了让大家放松身心,特意组织增长点家人到桂林、阳朔旅游三天,欣赏河光山色,纵情山水。桂林山水甲天下!这三天的旅途中,我们共同感受了自然的魅力,也通过一系列的团队建设活动,进一步增强了增长点家人之间的凝聚力和向心力。 查看更多
【2023年增长点年会盛典】璀璨之夜,共赴光华之约 深圳市增长点科技有限公司,作为无线电通讯的强势企业,为了迎接龙年,特举办年会盛典。庆祝我们2023年在OEM/ODM服务、超低温电池性能、战术耳机等方面的成就。并展望2024年的发展,期望获得更辉煌的发展! 查看更多
深圳增长点在CNTE2023取得圆满成功 5月23至25日,深圳增长点赶赴首都北京,参加了第十二届中国国防信息化装备与技术博览会,并取得圆满成功。 查看更多